Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick

Good evening beauties! 

How do ya’ll feel about liquid lipsticks?

I am a huge fan! They’re long lasting, easy to apply and just lovely in general. 

Kat Von D’s Everlasting Liquid Lipstick is definitely one of my favourites.


How cute is this bag!? Story of my life…

When I saw she was releasing new colours, I was super excited! When they became available on Sephora’s website, I bought 4 immediately, (3 of which are new and 1 is a colour that had been sold out forever.) Yes, I only bought 3 of the newly released colours… I can say it’s because I have learned to restrain myself but most of the colours I want being sold out already is a much more likely story… Hahahaha. 

These are the beauties I recently acquired:


Echo, Ayesha and Requiem are new and Jeffree is the shade I was dying for. 


Top to bottom: Echo, Jeffree, Ayesha and Requiem. 

These lipsticks are absolutely divine! They go on effortlessly and they’re super long lasting! Apart from Echo, which I have to layer a few times to get the colour shown in the swatch, (so worth it though because that blue is gorgeous!

I highly recommend these lipsticks for anyone who is on the fence or anyone who hasn’t tried them!

I hope all of you gorgeous people enjoy the rest of your days!




 Boyfriend and I in the McDonalds drive through getting a mcflurry! I am wearing Jeffree in this picture. 

P.S. I have a huge Colourpop haul and a review of Anastasia’s Shadow Coutour pallet coming so stay tuned kids!

Surprise! It’s Makeup!

Good morning cutie pies!

I just want to share a quick thought with y’all:

Is it bad that every gift I give is makeup? I would say that 9.7 times out of 10, my gifts are either all makeup or mostly makeup. 

It actually frustrates me when I’m buying for the men in my life because it takes a little more than a trip to Sephora. 

I can’t help it, It’s what I know most about! Makeup isn’t like clothing or shoes that you have to exchange because it doesn’t fit or doesn’t look right – or at least, not the stuff I choose for people. 

I try to pick something out that I know: the person doesn’t have anything similar, it will look good on them and they will love it. 

Is that so bad? 

I mean… who doesn’t love luxury makeup!? Freaks….

Anyway, I’m off to Wasaga Beach to celebrate my cousin’s birthday. I just wanted to check in with you guys!

I hope you all have amazing days. Happy Sunday!


Let’s Talk About Strobing

Good morning my beautiful friends!

Has anyone heard of “strobing“? 

I’m sure most of you have. 

Has anyone tried it? 

Does anyone want to tell me why it’s apparently the hottest new makeup technique because… I just don’t see it. 

Strobing is highlighting. 

I’ve seen so many posts and articles saying contouring is out and strobing is in. But… Why?

Contouring is such an essential part of any makeup routine, full face or just basic! With contouring, you can completely change the shape and angles of your face or you can just accentuate the features you already have. 

I don’t understand why anyone would toss that out and ONLY highlight with shimmer. In most cases I’ve seen, it just ends up looking oily. 

I’ve researched the strobing technique and I’ve realized that I kind of half strobe along with my contouring. 

I like being sparkly so I always put illuminator on my cheek bones. That is the ONLY place I like to sparkle. I don’t want my forehead and my upper lip and any other place you “strobe” to be sparkly. I put regular, matte highlighter in those places and I contour where I should. 

I feel like it all goes hand in hand. Contouring and highlighting, (and shimmer where it belongs); that’s just how it should be! 

But again, this is just my own professional opinion. Obviously there are people who feel differently, I just don’t get it! 

Please feel free to enlighten me! 

Maybe because it takes less time? Hmm… that does sound appealing to my super lazy self…..

Hahaha just kidding! I heart contouring forever! I am really lazy though…

ANYWAY, my rant is over. I hope you all have a marvellous day!


Here’s a picture from last weekend, from my snapchat, (queen-tatyana ; add me!) when I was partying it up in Barrie. Obviously I’m putting on lipstick. “Byeeeeee” *kisses*


What’s On My Face Today?

Good evening peeps!

I promised I’d get back to my blogging, so I have decided to share my every day makeup routine with you! This will include the stuff that is always on my face, as well as the lipstick and eyeshadow I’m wearing today. (Lipstick, eyeshadow and eyeliner – if any – change depending on my mood.)


Please don’t mind my impromptu flat lay in my car…

It looks like a lot, but I actually think this is my version of a “no makeup” makeup because this is what I look like right now…


I say “my version” because I always like to be sparkly and that’s not “no makeup” hahaha. (This picture does not do my glow any justice, but trust me. It is there.)

My first few steps would be to put the Smashbox Photo Finish Hydrating Under Eye Primer under my eyes, Smashbox Photo Finish Lid Primer both under my eyes and on my lid and Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer in Vanilla under my eyes. 

Today I used shadows from the Smashbox Entice Me eyeshadow pallet. Light pink on my lid and the purplish-champagne on my crease. Keeping it real simple for work tonight!

I was too lazy to actually fill in my brows today so I just used the Anastasia Beverly Hills Clear Brow Gel to keep those bad boys in place! 

I finished my eyes with my go to primer and mascara right now, Urban Decay’s Subversion and Perversion. I love these two because I don’t have to use any other mascaras a lot with them!

Don’t get me wrong, I am in love with so many mascaras, this is just the flavour of the month. I go back and forth all the time. 

I used my Too Faced Cocoa Contour pallet for some minor face chizeling. Contour under my cheek bones, temples, forehead and jawline. Highlight under my eyes and under the hollows of my cheeks.

For blush, I used both Nars Oasis and Angelika because I like my cheeks to be nice and rosey! 

As you all know, I love love love to glow and sparkle, so I use a bunch of highlighters. I start with Too Faced Candlelight Glow on my cheek bones, put a layer of Mac Lightscapade over that and finish off with my favourite ever, Urban Decay Naked Illuminated in Aura. 

That was my top secret highlighter concoction that I blessed you with!

To finish off my look today, I lined my lips with Nyx Peekaboo Neutral and used Mac Angel lipstick. 

That right there, is pretty much my every day routine, give or take a few things. 

It takes a lot to not look so made up… Hahaha.

I have a crazy weekend ahead of me, (3 days of of drinking and tanning and dancing in Barrie!) so I’m sure I’ll have some stories and pictures for you!

I hope all you beautiful souls have a lovely night!


Here’s a picture of my sleeping cat to send you on your way!


Hello? Is It Me You’re Looking For?

*taps microphone*

*walks out from behind the curtains shamefully* 

Hey guys… 

I know it’s been a really long time since I’ve posted but I’ve thought about you every single day!

Juggling work, school and a fraction of a social life just started getting so crazy and in all honesty, I really wasn’t feeling inspired anymore!

I didn’t want to be writing just for the sake of writing. I wanted to post when I just felt like I would burst if I didn’t put whatever I was feeling out in the world. That’s what I love about blogging! 

For the past few days I’ve been saying, “I really need to start blogging again. I miss it so much!”

I definitely have missed just being able to write about stuff that I love and have people with the same passion, (or just people who like me and think I’m a cool gal) read, like and comment on my posts! Now that I am finished school, and a CERTIFIED makeup artist, (all my GTA peeps, holla at ya girl! Hahahaha) I have a bit more time to focus on my blog. 

Please bear with me, whoever is still out there, I will be starting up again! You’ll be seeing more from me very soon. 

I love all you beautiful people more than I love my highlighters! (And you guys know I love to glow…)

Have a wonderful night!



Want It Wednesday! – Limited Editions Ruin My Life

Good evening cutie pies!

I hope everyone had a great hump day! Hahahahaha I know that’s super cheesy but saying it makes me happy!

Right now, my life is a cross between so awesome and pretty depressing. So many limited edition products are coming out now and it couldn’t be a worse time for me!

This week’s Want It Wednesday is the:

Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Book!



(Pictures are from Batalash Beauty)


When I got the email from Anastasia Beverly Hills telling me it was going on sale, my heart broke into a million tiny little pieces. It’s Murphy’s law though; when I have money to spare I don’t need anything and when I’m tight, I need everything.

I know, I know… It’s not THAT big of a deal and yes I will survive, but it’s pretty devastating.

There is a shade for every skin tone in this contour book for contouring and highlighting! It is just so beautiful and I would love more than anything to have it in my kit.

HINT HINT to any of my loved ones reading this… *cough cough*

I just needed to whine to you guys about it because no one in my real life actually cares…

Honestly, I’m just so all over the place right now! I’m hyper because I’m worked up about this contour book but I’m exhausted because sleep is just not a part of my life anymore!

I need to get all the rest I can because I don’t see very much of it in my near future… I hope you all have a good night and wake up nice and refreshed! (Because God knows I won’t!)

Love you!



#MCM: Makeup Crush Monday – What’s That Smell!?

Good evening my sweets!

I hope all your days were as fun and interesting as mine.

In class today, we played around with creative and eccentric looks and it was pretty cool! I used jems and the makeup forever pallet and just winged it because I didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do.


Eventually I will be able to do crazy, intricate designs without any issues!

I’m really glad that I actually got off my ass and enrolled myself at Canadian Beauty College because I’ve been learning so much in my course.

Something my teacher stresses all the time is that because as makeup artists, we are around so many different people, we have to make sure we don’t wear any fragrances. This makes me kind of sad because I love wearing perfume! I’m not the type to wear loads of it, but I definitely like to smell pleasant – which brings me to this week’s Makeup Crush Monday:

Comptoir Sud Pacifique Vanille Coco


Okay okay… This may not be considered makeup BUT I do consider this beauty! Perfume is part of my getting ready routine so It’s eligible for my Makeup Crush Monday!

This is my absolute favourite perfume out of all the perfumes in the world! It’s a beautiful mix of vanilla and coconut and it last so long!

Whenever I’m at work, my tables always say, “Oh my God, what is that smell!? It smells like cake or vanilla or something sweet…” My reply is always, “Oh that’s just my vanilla coconut perfume…” and I give myself a mental pat on the back.

To me, smelling good is a huge confidence boost and knowing that most people, (not everyone obviously) like the way you smell is a nice compliment.

The first time I wore this perfume around my boyfriend and his brother, they both told me I smelled like a stripper. I didn’t really know how to react to that so I was just kind of like, “Okay……” and they immediately said, “No no no, don’t worry! It’s not a bad thing! Strippers always smell like coconut and they smell so good!” Believe it or not, I actually thought that was pretty funny and took it as a nice compliment.

Unfortunately I can’t wear this perfume when I’m working as a makeup artist, but this will always be my go-to, all time favourite perfume!

The other perfumes from Comptoir Sud Pacifique are also great smelling and I’m sure they’re long lasting as well. I think you should try them out at Sephora or wherever else they’re sold!

I hope everyone has a great sleep tonight and that you all wake up nice and refreshed! Goodnight my loves.



Fab, Fun, Friday! – Feeling Like A NARSissist

Good evening beauties!

I hope your Fridays were amazing!

I had my first photo facial today, if anyone knows what that is, and it was pretty cool! The girls in the medical esthetics program were doing their practical exam today and they needed models. Who would turn down free spa treatments that are usually free!? Not this girl!

I don’t really have problem areas on my face, (thankfully!) so the photo facial was just to brighten up my face and make me “more beautiful than I already am, if that’s even possible”. Those were the esthetician’s exact words! How nice of her to say!

Now my face is nice and smooth and radiant, which brings me to this week’s Fab, Fun, Friday!

NARS Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer


When it comes to doing makeup on myself, I steer clear of foundation for the most part. I usually hate the feeling of it on my skin and I normally really dislike the way it looks. I have dehydrated skin, so foundation just makes me look flaky and makes me feel sad.

THAT BEING SAID, I really enjoy this tinted moisturizer! I just tried it and I love it. It gives me a nice, warm glow despite being the second lightest shade in the line, (Finland). I love that I can have a nice base without getting those dreaded flakes and the heavy feeling that I hate.

It is around 50 dollars, so for some that may be a bit pricey, but incase you guys haven’t realized, if I’m going to splurge on anything, it’s going to be makeup! Also, it is a tinted moisturizer so it doesn’t have a lot of coverage obviously, but that’s perfectly fine for me. If I can get away with looking a little less pale without having to use foundation, I am all for it!

I will definitely be re-purchasing this for myself when I run out. That’s looking way into the future seeing as I just bought it, but that means I really like it!

If anyone has a tinted moisturizer they love, I’d like to hear about it.

I hope everyone has a super fun but super safe weekend; don’t get into cars with strangers!

Lots and lot’s of love!



SO my ipod died as I was trying to write this post and I started freaking out, but my good friend Paul was like, “Why don’t you just use the computer in the office!?” SO THANKS PAUL FOR BEING SMART WHEN I’M NOT.

Want It Wednesday! – Can I Be A Tarteist Too!?

Good evening my pretties!

I’m just gonna jump right and and skip the small talk today, hope y’all don’t mind. (But I do hope you all had great days.)

This week’s Want it Wednesday is something that I’ve been dying to try because of all it’s great reviews…





(All images are from Sephora’s website.)

Since I started makeup school, my life has been pretty much all about eyeliner. Getting it perfect is harder than you may think! I was already a pro at winged liner, (and regular liner obviously… hehehe) – on myself; doing it on someone else is completely different! You have to make sure the wings are even, make sure the line is the right thickness for the look, make sure you use the right product; it takes a lot!

I’ve been hearing such great things about this liner and although I’m not a huge fan of gel or cream liner, (I prefer to use literally anything else ) I’m curious about it and I’d really like to try it because I’m a big fan of Tarte.

For those of you who haven’t heard of the Tarteist Clay Paint Liner, This is the product info from Sephora’s website:

What it is: An innovative, waterproof cream eyeliner with a unique blending tip that is inspired by an artist’s palette.
What it does: Think outside the lines when you define eyes like a pro with tarte’s clay paint liner. Inspired by the ease of an artist’s palette, this one-of-a-kind, squeezable cream liner offers a seamless, no-budge application—. Simply squeeze, line, and define. The unique formula features fewer waxes, cushioned pigments, and a special development process that allows for the creamiest texture and smoothest application. The tube was created with an innovative artistic delivery system, a tapered tip, and a flat blending stage so you can simply pick up the ideal amount of product and blend for foolproof perfection. The sketcher-angled bamboo liner brush easily glides the plush, triple-black, formula along the contours of the eyelid. Featuring the same waterproof, 12-hour wear as tarte’s signature clay pot liners, this next-generation liner has cushion slide technology that lets you custom create your own signature lines without ever pulling or transferring.
What it is formulated WITHOUT: -Parabens – Phthalates
What else you need to know: This product is ophthalmologist and dermatologist tested.

It sounds pretty good and judging from the reviews, most people enjoy it!


I will let you guys know how it is as soon as I try it!

Have a safe night guys!




#MCM: Makeup Crush Monday – Go Away Dehydrated Skin!

Hello my pretties!

I hope you all had good days, despite the fact that it’s Monday.

My day didn’t even feel like a Monday! We had some crazy snow here in the GTA and my school called me early this morning to tell me it was a snow day! All I’ve done today is lay on my couch and watch tv. I’m all caught up on Shameless, Girls and Episodes! That’s what I call productive…

This week’s Makeup Crush Monday is:

Eco-Beauty Good Day. Day Moisturizer by La Fresh Group


Wow that was a mouthful!

I got this in my January Ipsy bag, (hence the sample size), and I love love LOVE it! I have been using it every day and my skin looks and feels way better than it usually does!

Now, I know cream isn’t technically makeup, but it is part of prepping for your makeup! Moisturizing your face is extremely important and because I have such dehydrated skin, I can’t go a day without putting cream on my face!

Most creams don’t help with the dry patches I always get. My skin is so dehydrated due to the fact that I don’t drink any water. Water is just not my thing, it never has been, and my skin suffers because of it.

When I use this moisturizer, I barely get dry patches on my face and sometimes I don’t at all! That is HUGE for me. Although, It does have a bit of a weird smell. To me, it’s kind of sea weedy but it actually doesn’t bother me at all. (Maybe because I’m a huge sushi fan…)

I’m so happy Ipsy sent this to me because I can honestly say that I will be purchasing a full size Good Day. Day Moisturizer, (even though this sample size is lasting me forever!) and probably a few more of their products! Check out their website!

I have to go and get ready to go out so I must bid you all farewell, but I am going to leave you with a funny short story!

This morning, I woke up a little bit freaked out. I had a very weird dream about… beauty blenders! HOW WEIRD IS THAT!? I kid you not, there were beauty blenders everywhere. I don’t even remember what the premise of my dream was, just that it was full of beauty blenders. ALL THE BEAUTY BLENDERS! Talk about #MUAproblems right!?

Anyway, have a great night guys! I love you all so much.

